Saturday, February 19, 2005

Dummy's guide to getting arrested ...

Go 107 on a 65 mile zone ...
Drive on the opposite side of the road ...
Show the finger to the cop ...
Race a cop ...
Have the DMV switch your license plates ...

Actually I didn't get arrested but its a pretty scary thought. I went to the DMV the other day to get my personalized license plates only to find that the license tags I turned in belonged to a BMVs (I would loved to own one). I wondered why in this age of information overload do such things get overlooked. One thing I have found in Missouri DMVs is that it is filled with really really ancient sweet ladies who have long finger nails that makes them press the number 7 instead of number 4.

Did I mention that I hat Internet explorer. This is the third time I am writing this blog. The last two times Internet Explorer shutdown and I have lost the links I wanted to put in here.

that's it for now folks ...

"Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance." -Oscar Wilde


Anonymous said...

You went to DMV and all you've mentioned here (other than grumbling about the license plate mixup) is about the "Sweet Ladies" and the length of their nails...

Really...some ppl never change...

NoViCe said...

What is there to change ??? :) The sweet ladies were liek my grand moms ... oh ... I get it you wnat to know abt the DMV well why don't you just ask ;) ... I can't read minds ...

Anonymous said...

You just read mine...
But pls dont bother to explain about DMV...Google mama has already helped me :)

And Iam hoping (against hope) that the "Sweet ladies" read ur comment and get really offended by ur comparison to grand moms ;) (You must be knowing the universal rule, that for all women, max(age) is 35 regardless of the DOB ;))