Monday, May 23, 2005

Missing Mail ...

The past couple of weeks have been pretty eventful. I know every day is "eventful" in one way or the other. But the last was especially different for me as I got to move into my own apartment finally after living for 24 years on this earth. Some think I am crazy while others envy me!! The only thing missing now is someone to cook and clean my place! In the great Indian (possibly world) tradition, I mentioned it to my mom that I should get a wife to do it. Which was turned down with the answer that I needed a maid and not a wife, I still have my doubts(jk). Joking aside, its a different experience living alone. I have been alone for the last three years but with roommates, hence this is the first time that I am literally alone. Its lonely as well as expensive but at the same time it gives you more freedom ... to be alone ... go figure.

To top it all Yahoo has lost most of my emails, this after I paid for the service. Almost all my emails over the past 7 years have been lost and that has really got me down. I figure that its God's (funny) way of telling me not to get too attached to temporal things. Maybe if I still had my emails I would have gone over to the dark side and become Dark Lord "Darth Shaddai"*.

I had been planning to write on a few of topics but can't seem to find time to sit down at a stretch to do it. Also I am slowly gathering stuff to create a new website. Any input to the same is very much appreciated. I seem to have lost touch with the programming side of computers and need to get back to that at the earliest.

Till Laters ...

* - Non geeks please refer to the Star Wars story.

"Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears."

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