Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The long hiatus

Hi there people. I guess most people are wondering that I have vanished from the face of the earth. Loads ofthings have happened in the last 20 or so days. I managed to sprain my ankle, graduate from college and move to california, not to mention have a meeting with charlie. For those who don't know Charlie; he is the latest Category 4 hurricane to hit Florida that created more than 11 Billion dollar worth of damage.

First the the leg sprain story ...

I have successfully sprained my ankle for the first time ... playing (of all things) raquetball. This helped create a number of firsts form me in the US. First time in a wheel chair ( ever). first time in a ER, first time taking my X rays ... Well the timing was impecable, just 4 days before I graduted, but thanks to American ingunity, I was able to limp across without the use of crutches. Hurray for the walking cast.

There is more to follow ....

Rest in next

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