Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Graduated ...

Well I have officially finished all my Master's requirements after successfully defending my project yesterday. Ready to be baptized with fire and enter the big bad real world. 20 years of education ... That's a lot I should say. 

The first two years was spent in New Delhi India, at a school called Cornel Central Academy where my mom was a teacher.  Probably the only time in my life when I was on top of the class in academics :D. This was followed by a year of home schooling by my mom who is a certified English teacher.  Then spent a year at Holy Angels Madras.  The primary schooling was done at Loyola Matriculation school. Moved to Don Bosco, Egmore for the rest of my schooling. When I graduated form High School I was so frustrated with studies I didn't want to continue further. But continue I did,  with my Bachelor of Engineering degree from Thangavelu engineering College. Those were some of the best years of my life.

Followed that up by flying half way across the world to pursue my Master of Science degree from Florida State University. And now I am out of it... Ready to go on to the next level . 

Till later